

The 皇冠365官方app学校网络 offers a program of both domestic and international exchange to its students. The Sacred Heart exchange program has existed for over 40 years and has engaged more than 2,500 students from Sacred Heart Schools in Canada 和 United States along with a multitude of international students.


我们的创始人圣. 玛德琳·索菲·巴拉特, established the Society of the Sacred Heart in France in the early 1800's with a vision for its internationality.  This commnunity of people of faith in action has grown and expanded across the world, 现在包括北美的25所学校和国际上的150所学校, 所有这些都与全球公民的价值观有关, sharing the communion mission to "make known the love of God through the Heart of Jesus."


我们交流项目的另一个重要组成部分是互惠.  The consistent flow of visiting Network students in 大高地 yield a genuine and effortless global experience for all.  从学生, 教师, 工作人员, 和父母, 每个人都享受在文化丰富的环境中成长的机会, 正如研究证明的那样, 有助于建立文化共鸣和对生活的更广泛的看法.  主办可以让我们的学生看到他们自己的国家, 文化, 和他们的生活方式通过他们的交换学生的眼睛.  父母, 教师, and participants themselves have recognized the exchange program as a catalyst for better self confidence, 更成熟, 培养更强的好奇心.



Faithful to the promise of providing a transformative living and learning environment that nurtures hearts and minds, our students have the exciting opportunity to study abroad or host students in an exchange with other Sacred Heart schools.  This is a meaningful way to experience their Sacred Heart education from a different perspective and discover the local customs and traditions of the community that they are visiting.

The Network offers many opportunities for students to study abroad, wherever they want to go!  I decided to take advantage of this opportunity and experienced life in Brisbane, 澳大利亚一个月.  出国留学, 甚至是一般的旅行, 能改变你的生活,让你成为你一直想成为的人吗.-ASH交流计划校友